General usage and file structure of Database

The database repository has the following structure:

├── data/                      # Database sample SQL files
│  ├── sample/
│  │   └──    # Data SQL files to execute in order to create a sample database data with all required information
│  └── _creationg_script.sql   # Main script to create an empty database, used primary for the automated testing
├── <database>/                # Database specific engine SQL files, create one folder for each database engine supported
│  ├── _history.sql            # Script that need to be executed when downloading new changes.
│  ├── 01.tables.sq            # Script that will create only the tables with their definition (no PK, neither FK)
│  ├── 02.pks.sql              # Script that will alter all required tables to add the PK definitions
│  ├── 03.fks.sql              # Script that will alter all required tables to add the FKs definitions
│  ├── 04.indexs.sql           # Script that will alter tables / create index in order to improve the performance of the database
│  └── 05.views.sql            # Script that will create all the required views of the solution

The files required for the database creation are splited in order to avoid dependency errors in the sequence execution. By having the actions splited in multiples files, and executing those files in the correct order, we can garantee that script will have the required elements for the correct execution.

Main rules used to create the names of the database elements:

If new files are required, the GitHub main action need to be updated in order to execute the new added files.